Quality Issue #1 – Count vs. Count()
A measure of how good you are as a developer is how well you can write code. This is a start of a series of posts to help developers write better code. Today we will look at Count vs. Count() in .NET.CountThere are many collections in .NET that support a property called Count. This includes […]
Working with Azure Maps
So we are doing a bunch of projects with Azure Maps. Azure Maps is relatively new. Fortunately, the Azure Maps team at Microsoft provided 114 samples to get people started. Click here for Azure Maps samples

Daily Update – Oh Yeah! Use UserName Instead of Email Address with Docker
Every time I have to do docker work, I forget that Docker for Windows needs to authenticate using your Docker Hub “username” and not your “email address”. This is so confusing because Docker Hub will allow you to use your email address when you visit the website and from the tray application in Docker for […]
Daily Learning – Ugh! Guids As Primary Keys
I am working on fixing a database that uses GUIDs (i.e. uniqueidentifier) as primary keys. Our customer does a high number of inserts and generates their keys from their application or from NEWID(). In addition, their primary keys are clustered. There are many articles on the Internet that talk about the problem of using non-sequential […]

Daily Learning – Adding a global filter for authorization in ASP.NET Core
First, let me say that we love IdentityServer4. It doesn’t hurt that we have been using IdentityServer since its early days or that Brock Allen is a good friend of ours. We are doing some IdentityServer work for our customers and I needed to create a sample application that requires authentication for all pages. After […]
Daily Learning – Paintbrush for Mac OS X a simple replacement for Paint.NET
One of the most useful tools for Windows is Paint.NET. Apple had created their version of a simple paint application many years ago but has since abandoned it. I wanted to get one for my Mac and after a quick search came across Paintbrush. Paintbrush – The Bitmap Image Editor for Mac OS X https://paintbrush.sourceforge.io/ […]
Daily Learning – Injecting configuration for your ASP.NET Core application
We are building a product from scratch. As such we are running into minor issues just getting everything set up when we are creating the code. Interestingly I was having an issue accessing my configuration. Originally I had just put the property on the class forgetting that I needed to define a constructor so that […]
Daily Learning – Checking which version of .NET Core is installed
Recently I had an issue where I did not have the latest version of .NET Core installed. To check which versions I had installed I used the following command: